Counting the run last night, I've done Heroic Culling exactly three times. Wasn't a fan of Escape from Durnholde, not a fan of CoS.
Why am I not a fan of these glorified escort quests?
Because I'm the tank. Hear that, Thrall and Arthas? Quit facepulling everything, you n00bs. I'll lead, you try to keep up.
And Arthas, you self-righteous douche, quit saying "make haste" and then walking like we've got all freakin' day. We want a shot at a Drake and don't have time for your endless, nauseating pontification every time we step on a plagued roach.
There. I feel better.
Last night was my first time actively going for the Drake from the get-go. We succeeded in beating the timer, and Tatia (or Millea, or Koalabear) won the Bronze Drake, so big gratz to her.
I decided after the run that Echo of Fate would actively pursue getting everybody in the guild a Bronze Drake. As much as I hate that instance, I'd love to see everybody get the achievement and the mount. I'll tank it every night I'm online if I have to until everybody's got it.
Nothing wrong with hunting down a vanity item or two, right? They're a great group of people and they deserve it.
Starting Scavenger
1 day ago
Indeed they do, sir.
Yeah that was awesome.
I vote Eck gets the next one :)
Grats on your first drake! I remember when we got our first one, and it was heart-pumping and exciting. Nowadays, it's a bit trivial for us, today's run saw us with 5 minutes left when I pulled the Chrono-guy, and everyone had a drake so no one rolled for it.
May you get there soon too! :)
With the right group, that's probably my favorite heroic, just because the timer makes things interesting at almost all gear levels =)
Of course, friend has run the instance, think it was 100+ times on the last count, and only won the drake for one of his 4 80s >.<
@Cyn: Could use it as a recruiting strategy, too, I suppose :)
@Mill: Either him or Nite. Both equally deserving.
@Kadomi: We ran it a couple of nights ago (My 2nd time) and almost beat the timer without trying...just had one weird wipe. Last night it really was a piece of cake, but it felt good to get the achievement.
@Khiow: It does add a bit of complexity to a rather cut and dry instance, even though I'm not a fan of the way the dungeon plays out.
I like the various "hard modes" they've introduced into the heroics...makes all of them more interesting if you shoot for the achievements.
The reason I said Eck was because of the TLPD he missed last night.
He is still upset about that today.
I haven't mentioned I won the bronze drake to him and I am not going to. I think he will be less pissed if it is done that way.
Big grats for your first drake! :D I still love Timed CoT runs - even though they are much easier now because of the epic loot pinatas these days, but still fun to do!
Hope he doesn't read this, then >.<
@AllianceGirl: Thanks. We had a pretty well-geared group, so it was basically a walkthrough. The other two times I've done it were simply to get the daily done.
Grats grats. As long as you take your time and know which direction you're suppose to go its not hard to beat the timer. When I ran it with Raan he had no idea where to go and we were kinda lost. Still manage to only miss the timer by only 5 seconds though. Just make sure not to overpull and wipe the group.
@Jaz: Ty Ty. The previous attempt, we realized we had a chance to beat the timer when we started the gauntlet. I overpulled, though, and everything went horribly wonky.
When we got it, though, we had to do a ton of running on the front end. They didn't make it easy that time. The waves were all over the place.
Now get your sorry butt back online, dude. I don't wanna have to fly out there and smack you and your wife around.
I love getting the drake for other people. They are always so damn excited. I got mine forever ago and never use it.
@Darraxus: It did feel good to get that for a guildie. I'm not even that concerned about getting one for myself, but I'd like to see as many people in the guild who want one get one.
I lucked out and got it on my first run through CoS. The lead asked if we wanted to do the drake run. Didnt know what the hell he was talking about but I didnt wanna sound like a noob so I said sure. Downed the boss and got the drake with a roll of 99. :D
Yeah, Arthas is such a bloody noob. And he won't follow kill order. Gah!
I liked CoS the first time I did it because it was interesting but unfortunately after that it just feels like one big event, with you stuck in the back seat of the loremobile, kicking the driver and asking "are we nearly there yet."
@Tam: As usual, your analogy is perfect. That's exactly how that instance feels.
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