In honor of the fact that my tiny little corner of the internet has achieved 2,000 hits, I'm going to write a post simply stating that my little corner of the internet has achieved 2,000 hits.
Seriously, though, I'm shocked at how many people read what I write here. I'm one of the smaller WoW blogs out there, and by smaller I mean really, really friggin' small. It's incredibly cool that, even though I have very little actual content in my posts, people still show up, read, and comment on my pointless ramblings and pathetic attempts at humor.
I have a blast running this blog, and as long as that's still the case, I will continue to do so.
Thanks so much for reading. It really means a lot.
For the Alliance! For the Horde! For Azeroth!
Starting Scavenger
1 day ago
Woot! Grats!
Thanks, K :)
It's not much, but it's a start.
Woo! Grats! Your blog has dinged!
I have no idea what my hits are, I dare not check - lest they are all of, like, 3 and I get demoralised :)
Thanks, Tam.
The truly depressing thing is that, even though 2,000 hits since June is kinda sad, I've had a website for my "bard" side for 10 years that I don't think has 2,000 hits.
My interpretation: God wants me to play video games.
Though Mis... hits aren't that reliable or as relevant as they used to be.
Most folks read blogs through Google reader or feeds, so they won't be counted in your hit #. So you may think its not much... but its a bit misleading. :)
Very, very true.
I've been hovering at about 50 subscribers for a while now which, for me, is a pretty impressive number considering I'm one of the new kids on the block.
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